Which washing method do you use?
First wash: static, 2 gallons hot water (115*F) misted over, then settle 8hrs and drain.
Second wash: lukewarm wash 2 gallons with blower agitating, let settle 8hrs and drain.
Third wash: lukewarm wash 2 gallons, blower & bubbler agitating.
I run a test for soap after third wash, if the water is clear, I finish by drying with the blower, a 300W aquarium heater, and a 100W flood lamp. From the third washing after passing the soap test, it takes about 4 hours to completely dry 20 gallons of fuel.
I know it’s right when I can see to the bottom of 20 gallons of fuel sitting in a 30 gallon tank and it passes a 3 parts product:27 parts methanol test. Since biodiesel is 100% soluable in methanol, if there’s no fallout, the fuel’s a highly converted, quality product.
My problem is I made my outfit too darned small, but it was a 30 gallon water heater given to me for free, it was what I had so I used it.
I’d eventually like to upscale to an 80 or 105 gallon unit.
Someday, maybe....