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To: Free ThinkerNY
I swear, I think the guy is trying to lose the election on purpose. In the last week alone, he failed to visit wounded US troops and worked out for journalists instead, he hinted that reparations for blacks might be in the works even though he already has 95% of the black vote sewn up and needs the white middle to win, and he now stated we need to simply start inflating our tires and getting a tune up to solve many of our energy problems.

I say will just build a giant rubber wall around one of the smaller states, and throw Obama and all his dunce supporters in it, and let them form their own country called "Idiostan" where Obama is their designated despot, free to do whatever they want, where they can't hurt the rest of us normal people. After a few years, most of them would be dead from their isolation away from common sense, and we can tear down the rubber wall and make Idiostan a state again.

70 posted on 07/30/2008 1:46:34 PM PDT by smedley64 (UHbUHmUH- The incoherent candidate.)
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To: smedley64; All’s just that around half the country is that messed up.

It’s the party of the mentally ill.

‘Idiostan’ already’s inside the city limits of virtually any major U.S. city.

I work in and around Atlanta and live 30-40 miles outside of Atlanta.

It’s like going into another country every morning...the support the troop stickers and yellow ribbons and U.S. flags are replaced by idiocy like: coexist, choice (aka infanticide), KERRY/EDWARDS, OBAMA ‘08/ CHANGE, AND the bumper sticker I saw yesterday:

What are you doing in your life to eliminate the causes of war?

I kid you not!

82 posted on 07/30/2008 1:57:23 PM PDT by tpanther (The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing-----Edmund Burke)
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