Dittos to the Freeper who said this sounds like Sheryl Crow’s eco-hygienic advice.
The other thing is that this is play 45 out of his playbook. If you’ve ever heard him hold forth on health care, the reason we’re going broke on healthcare is that all the po folks are going to the ER to take breathalyzer tests errr inhalators errr inhalers for their asthma. If we could only get them to ol’ Marcus Welby’s OFFICE all would be well.
The overarching theme is that we’re supposed to whack ourselves on the forehead and say “DAMN - why didn’t I think of that. Thank you Messiah!”
I think there was another “stump” speech (as in “dumber than a”) where if we pulled out of Iraq, we’d save about as much, err more, err more than pay for blah blah blah - there’s always some gazillion dollar savings just around the corner if we’d only take the annointed one’s advice.