>> Its a small masterpiece and is a much better film than the first Superman film and any other film of that sort Ive seen since then.
You should see Richard Donner’s re-edit of Superman II. Donner was the director of SM:The Movie, and the original director of SMII, but was fired after disagreements with the Producers. The new director added some of the stupid stuff (the big cellphane “S”, vanishing people in fortress, pink honeymoon suite, etc.).
But, Donner did a re-edit of Superman II last year. You can get in on DVD. Superman II: The Donner Cut. 10x better than the original!
Its so much better, I cannot recommend it highly enough. Takes itself more seriously. Less schtick. Zod is more imposing. The original was good ... the Donner Cut is great!
I’ve seen it. I much prefer the Lester version. That ending Donner had in mind was awful. The comic touches Lester brought were a nice addition. The Lex Luthor scenes in the first film were campier than anything in the sequel.