And please don't say Fred Thompson.
I backed Fred for the short while that he was in the race but according to your instructions, I won't say Fred Thompson.
I truly believe you could pick a name at random from the phone book and that person would have about an 80% probability that he/she would be more conservative than Romney. I like Gov. Sonny Perdue but I'm sure that fault could be found with him if one looked hard enough. As a matter of fact, I'm certain that someone will reply to this reply, listing all his negatives. Let them, it still won't come near Romney's.
I watch that video of Romney on abortion (2002) and am completely repulsed by the man. I'm inclined to agree with JimRob, he's not a man at all. Yes, he changed, when it became politically neccessary to make a presidential run. By his own admission he had been pro abortion his entire life, learning it from his mother.
His socialist health care plan in Mass is a disaster and floundering more every day. He's more liberal than John McCain and that is quite an accomplishment.
(You get to choose, but only up to three...)