Watch now as McCain turns to the budget-balancing paradigm that Newt and Kasich used, which destroyed popular support for economic growth policies.
I'll vote for McCain because there is some small hope he might nominate Supreme Court justices who believe in the Constitution, and, in my opinion, with Obama there is no hope of this.
One expects betrayal with McCain, but I expected his nod to supply-side wing of the party to at least last more than one week.
“The remaining advocates of Reaganomics in public life can be counted on one hand, and Phil Gramm is one of them. “
Wrong! Gramm is part of the balance the budget/tax increase gang even more than Kasich and Gingrich.
1) Gramm Rudman was about deficit reduction, not tax reduction
2) Gramm was a key player in 1990 Budget Agreement (but voted against the final package at the last minute)
3) is an open borders advocate (i guess that counts as “supply side” on labor supply)