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To: yefragetuwrabrumuy

If it’s you and Obama on the ticket, I may think about Obama. They don’t want to live in France and there is zero luck of that happening with no threat of defensive war on the part of Syria. Not gonna happen. Likewise they are not going to allow Egyptian, Iraqi or for that matter Smurf troops in their country while they stand down their army.
Integrating the only near perfect politically functioning part of Iraq to Syria? You must smoke crack, because I smoke pot and it doesn’t get you that high.
Good thing you thought this out well. Next after not having their soveregnty threatened they will destroy the air defenses of a hostile nation next door to the region’s premier air force. They will follow this up with rendering all thier commercial and military supporters obsolete and at this point having to rearm with M-4 rifles paid for in my taxes. If they don’t mind, I can’t afford an m-4 I pay taxes. I would like one too, where’s mine? You end it with a carrot from a 3rd party who has frequently said they were not going to do the action you propose.
Let’s assume they give up all the terrorists without getting deposed first. Then we give them to the ICC? How about our money, our investment (except from that gift from the Israeli’s) our tribunal, and if you killed Americans, God help you.....
Were it not for oil money, Iraq would be needing FAR more support. Syria, right next door does not have oil to export, now or when Jihadi’s are attacking the economic infrastructure which will happen if you did what you proposed.
A pipeline! What a great idea. We could orchestrate a solution to Iraq’s Strait of Hormuz problem! Did you know there is a pipeline from Iraq to a Turkish port on the Med? Oh wait that is in Kurdistan, which you are giving (assuming the Iraqi’s go with this.) to Syria...

36 posted on 07/06/2008 6:13:09 PM PDT by When do we get liberated? ((Ok, Im the official Pit Bull Defender/If you can't stand behind our troops, stand in front of them.)
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To: When do we get liberated?

You may smoke a lot of pot, but you write like you smoke meth.

To start with, what I wrote was firmly tongue in cheek. However, there were grains of truth in there. If the top half dozen oligopoly dictator leaders were “gone”, and some military assistance rendered to remove the Alawite from power, that would not cause a single tear to be shed in the Sunni nations.

The rest was to point out how the two nations of Egypt and Iraq, if through some amazing diplomacy, were to replace US forces in Syria, might help mollify the situation.

But the bottom line is that the mighty Syrian military is two farts in a handkerchief, and could be reduced in a few hours by a US attack. But this leaves a basket case of a country thrashing around like 20 years of Lebanon in a week. An epileptic mouse, by US standards, but one below our interests, if not those of France and the Sunni nations.

The Iraqi army alone could easily occupy Syria to help restore order and to keep the Sunni from slaughtering the Alawite.

As far as the terrorists would go, we would probably be more than happy to ship them off to Europe’s ICC, as they are not worthy of import to the US. Some of the cream of the crop might end up in Tel Aviv, to experience some fine quality hemp, but the bulk of them aren’t worth the powder and lead to blow up.

They wanted the ICC to harass the US, then fine, let’s all see the mighty ICC in action doing something useful. Not our problem.

All told, Syria is hardly worth consideration except as a nuisance to Israel. If remade in a democratic model with majority rule, everyone, especially the Syrians, would benefit, even if the Alawite were bitter as hell about no longer being in charge. Tears shed. Tough.

40 posted on 07/06/2008 7:27:02 PM PDT by yefragetuwrabrumuy
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