So when shall we expect to see you in jail, Maria?
You state that Washington refines twice the fuel it needs, but have consistently blocked the expansion of refineries and the lengthening of docks so that we cannot accept larger tankers. You mindset was that "we don't need more oil tankers in our waters". Yes we do.
As the the "portal" state to Alaska, we should be greatly increasing our capacity, not taking measures to block it. We only have roughly 6 million people in this state. Refining for twice that many isn't much.
The state has often used the fictional calculation that "since the population has grown it is using more gas, but the state isn't receiving more taxes" to raise our taxes even further, and as a result we are one of the top taxed states in the country:
In fact, our gas taxes just went up another 1.5 cents 2 days ago:
That's a 14.5 cent increase since 2005. The oil companies make what, 10-12 cents?
We know who the crooks are Maria, and are looking forward to seeing this roundup of price manipulators begin with you.
Well said, boats!
The enviro whack jobs have Cantwell in their back pockets and she does much kissing there.