To: mnehrling
she 'deduced' that FReepers had a role in the email googling somebody's misspelling "Kuran" had something to do with it, so she says. Probably short-circuited the process by jumping to FR and using search, or just lurked; after all, FR is not obscure. But it sounds so much more scholarly to ferret it out by finding memes.
67 posted on
06/28/2008 8:09:37 AM PDT by
To: gusopol3
googling somebody's misspelling "Kuran" had something to do with it, so she says. Wow, she is really on to something here. Apparently twenty one million people are in on this conspiracy. She is sooo smart...
Personalized Results 1 - 10 of about 21,000,000 for "Kuran".
71 posted on
06/28/2008 8:14:00 AM PDT by
To: gusopol3
Oh, and the first result of “Kuran” actually pulls up an Islamic site, so they must be on the conspriacy too.
73 posted on
06/28/2008 8:15:52 AM PDT by
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