Is Dobson a religious figure or a political figure?
He is speaking as a private citizen. He does have that right, you know.
Neither, he is a family figure. Dr. Dobson is an advocate for strenghthening families. He is also a Christian and an American citizen. All which qualify him to speak out on this or any other subject. Just like you and me! :)
“Is Dobson a religious figure or a political figure?”
His focus is on the family. (Sorry... somebody had to say it.)
Your question presumes that a religious person cannot comment on political material. This is an erroneous position. As a minister, he is charged with leading his flock and with protecting them from the evils in this world. Part of that protection is doing his best to stop what he perceives as a false prophet who is bent on the destruction of his religion.
What you've done here is the same trick that Obama uses when he tries to frame the debate. If McCain is to win he cannot allow that to happen.