An Irreverent Essay
The Coincidental Similarities
Between Islam and Mormonism
John R. Llewellyn
Copyright 2003
The similarities between Islam and Mormonism may be much more than coincidence. There is a strong indication that Joseph may have studied Islam, just as he studied Masonry, Judaism and Catholicism, and incorporated bits and pieces of all four religions into Mormonism. Consider the following quote:
If the people will let us alone, we will preach the gospel in peace. But if they come on us to molest us, we will establish our religion by the sword. We will trample down our enemies and make it one gore of blood from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. I will be to this generation a second Mohammed, whose motto in treating for peace was the Alcoran [Qaran] or the Sword. So shall it eventually be with us Joseph Smith or the Sword![17]
“There is a strong indication that Joseph may have studied Islam, just as he studied Masonry, Judaism and Catholicism, and incorporated bits and pieces of all four religions into Mormonism.”
The author is impeached by his own words - Masonry is not a religion.
It is just a fraternity.
bflr = bump for later reading
Masonry is not remotely a religon. It’s a fraternity, with as wide-ranging a membership from George Washington, Ben Franklin, to John Wayne and Gerald Ford, to the author of the Pledge of Allegence and the founding members of the US Marines, the Boy Scouts, and the Salvation Army.
But, yes, founders of mormonism were masons and boldly ripped off the fraternial handshakes and the like and made it part of their religion.
This is no small part of the reason masons get accused of being a religion, when they are not.