It’s a sad day when enemy combatants have the same legal status as American citizens being sued for breach of contract.
Imagine if POWs from previous wars were allowed to have a day in court in a US court.
Obama shows his ignorance by saying we held the Nuremburg trials after WW II. But those were military tribunals, not a trial in an American civilian court. If he knew what he was talking about, he would agree that the Bush plan for military trials for the Gitmo detainees would be the same kind of trials that were done at Nuremburg.
But this thinking has penetrated Democrats for a long time. I remember Howard Dean once said that, if we ever captured Bin Laden, we still need to make sure he gets a fair trial.
...the next president will be in a position to appoint a new Court that can reverse the damage done to the nation’s security.
How about the next President protecting and upholding our Constitution and our WRITTEN LAWS? That would be a novel idea!!! You can forget about it if a frothing, anti-American socialist like Obama gets in. The SCOTUS will end up looking like the Ninth Circus Court!! But at least with McCain, we have a chance at GOOD JUSTICE PICKS for the SCOTUS....
I’ve been having this recurring dream this week, that I turn on the cable news, and see a headline something about “Jihadists Attack Supreme Court” and find out that a sleeper cell of al Qaeda managed to get inside the SCOTUS chambers, gave the Nick Berg treatment to Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kennedy, but in a “feel good ending”, Justices Roberts, Scalia, Thomas and Alito pulled out their concealed Glock pistols and killed each and every last one of the terrorists.
Sadly, they weren’t quick enough to save those more liberal members of the SCOTUS.
Surely, we would mourn them.
ok.....put the detainee’s in a plane, in their orange clothes, strap a parachute on to an area of afghanistan, then just before you push them out, strap an ak-47 on them....when they hit the ground, ensure a patrol of seals is nearby....the problem will solve itself...then, for the balance of the war on terror, grant the terrorists geneva convention rights..since they are non-uniformed combatantsm ( they are wearing civilian clothes ) they are considered spies and saboteurs...line ‘em up and shoot ‘em...and the court ruling solves itself
Sadly, the truth is that our country is run by attorneys and attorneys in Black Robes. I call it tyranny.
Not with the present Senate or Congress!
The only course left is have a fit and pound the floor in rage, I fear.