However, if Barack Obama should be elected to the Presidency, with a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives and a filibuster-proof Democrat majority in the Senate, the Democrats would pack the Supreme Court with Leftist Radicals, and together they would change the United States beyond recognition; they would ignore, reinterpret, and essentially rewrite the Constitution.
This must not be allowed to happen.
We must defeat the Democrats at the polls this November.
John McCain is not the ideal Republican candidate, but he is lightyears better than archLeftist Barack Obama. We must elect him as a means of defeating Obama and the Democrats. It is the only rational, intelligent, and patriotic thing to do.
The problem isn’t with Conservatives, it’s with the general public who will swarm to the polls like they did in 2006.
We are bound to be out numbered by legions of ignorant voters again, who are brain washed by the MSM and our Public de-education system. We will more than likely loose no matter how hard we try to prevent it.
Our only hope is that the public will rise up and realize their own stupidity when the economy goes completely under. Which is a strong probability because this time, there is no strong economic engine to drive our economy like there was in the ‘90’s (Computer/Internet phenomenon.)
Note that if the Donks get the White House, it is all over. That filibuster? Gone by simple vote - it's a rule of the Senate, not a Constitutional requirement. It can be changed down to simple majority (the nuclear option, but it won't be called that by the MSM if the Donks do it).
We'll end up with the legislative and executive branches covered, and at least two SC nominees in the first 4 years, all Donks.
The nationalization of the oil companies will be automatic; this is just prepping the nation for it (hey, not even half your neighbors want to keep the independent is what this story is saying).
John McCain is not the ideal Republican candidate, but he is lightyears better than archLeftist Barack Obama.
EXACTLY! Everyone needs to consider the following:
1. The Federal Government already consistutes 21% of the GDP ($3.1 trillion of $15 trillion).
2. The Donks WILL nationalize healthcare. Guaranteed. That's another 15%.
3. Here we're being put on notice that they WILL try to nationalize the energy companies, another 15% of the GDP.
At that point, the Fed has DIRECT control of 51% of the economy. We are, at that point, a communist nation.
McCain versus Obama is more than just "McCain's not conservative enough on my issue!"; it's literally the difference between maintaining a shot at freedom and a better candidate in 2012, versus outright Federal takeover of the nation. The end of the Republic.
Obama, if elected, would have likely been chosen by a slim popular margin. As such, if he even hinted at the idea of an FDR-style court-packing scheme, the public outcry would be enormous.
As for McCain: he has done nothing so far to win my vote, and a great deal to antagonize me. Would he be better than Obama? Yes - but I think he will drag the Republican Party further down the road to extinction, which may not be a bad thing in the long run. In the short run, it would be a disaster. I'd rather see an open revolt by Conservatives at the convention this summer - a long shot, but not impossible if it becomes evident that McCain can't win, and/or if he chooses a VP who seems designed to offend Conservatives rather than unite them.
What do we gain he McCain wins? A slower advance into the collectivist wasteland?
Wow.... Thats the best we can hope for now?! A slightly slower advance into the slavery of marxism? My god...