Oil? Or foreign oil? Or Islamic foreign oil?
You are going to be really hard pressed to come up with a vehicle fuel which will be able to replace oil in the next 20 years. Most oil consumed as fuel is used that way, the rest goes into everything from plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Sure, some of that consumption (mainly in the NE) is for home heat, but by far and away the majority is to transport people and freight.
If there was something better within our current technology, we'd be using it.
one of the best quotes ever is that we overestimate what is possible in 5 years and underestimate in 10.
Don’t presume that alternatives are not possible: high fuel prices will trigger some incredible innovation. Whether it leads to oil independence tomorrow is doubtful but saying it is 20 years out is prognostication that has no validity: you do not have a crystal ball (as far as I know).
Let the market forces reign.