LOL. No, that is the realistic view. You represent the pollyanish viewpoint ignoring the facts and what is really involved. You are spouting the liberal view that somehow the "Green Economy" is going to create new jobs and a new prosperity. The devil is always in the details. The windmill and solar crowd fails to comprehend how much energy we need and why this technology can't meet it for the foreseeable future. I assume by alternative you mean no coal and probably no new nuclear plants.
You can view everything as half-empty or half-full. It is your choice on the mindset but I prefer looking at the world as a positive place. We are in the greatest times in the history of humanity and fuel prices going up will do nothing but propel us forward.
If the increase in fuel prices is such a good thing, let's raise the price of gas to $20 a gallon. You have no understanding of ecomomics. Inflation is a killer to any economy and so is expensive energy.
I prefer to approach complex problems with an understanding of the facts. There is no simple solution. There will be some very difficult choices ahead. Our political class seems incapable of making them. You and Obama can operate on Hope and emotion.
You are heavy on the slurs: let it go. Let us have a reasoned discussion without the personal smears.
I am in favor of nuclear and want plants built ASAP. So much of that invective.
Amazing that you state I have no insight into economics and yet you know nothing about my education or experience.
You approach complex problems like you approach arguments: charge and shoot, and hope for the best.