I predict a distinct lack of McCain buttkissers on this thread.
We had at least two candidates who I was paying very close attention to who got this issue.
I’m still hoping that McCain ends up with Romney (or anyone!) as a running mate and ends up actually learning about liquified coal, synthetic petroleum, and drilling. Because right now, the guy seems clueless.
Republicans need to ask themselves if they really want a republican in office when people start freezing to death over the winter.
He’s not all bad, he likes nuclear power.
“Democrats (AND JOHN MCCAIN) are out there pushing cap-and-trade, which would jack up gasoline and oil energy prices, damage the economy, and create a massive central-planning exercise. The Democratic Congress (AND JOHN MCCAIN) has done”
That’s his problem, correct on an important issue but then another issue he’s wrong to the point that he cancels out the first issue as a plus.
As a lifelong Conservative Republican (going back to Goldwater), I’m horrified that McCain is the best our party can come up with. God help us all! I’m embarrassed beyond words and disgusted even more that the GOP has no guts, no spine, and no gonads. We have brave Americans putting their lives on the line to protect and defend our country. We have human waste in DC that supposedly represent us. What a joke; they represent their own quest for power, greed, and egos. I’m outraged beyond words that I can post here.
Somehow, someway, people that cherish this country, cherish our freedoms, and want to preserve our greatness for our children and grandchildren, have got to take back our country before these jokers give it to our enemies!
NO NO *whack on head* bad Mccain we don’t alienate our base! That’s how we lose the election.
McCain is right. He has no solution either. There is no solution. We’re going full speed right off the cliff.
What’s sad is that if the pubs made a concerted effort to push a good energy policy, they’d stomp all over the dems this fall.
“Democrats (AND JOHN MCCAIN) are out there pushing cap-and-trade, which would jack up gasoline and oil energy prices, damage the economy, and create a massive central-planning exercise. The Democratic Congress (AND JOHN MCCAIN) has done”
That’s his problem, correct on an important issue but then another issue he’s wrong to the point that he cancels out the first issue as a plus.
The oil companies could score some public relations points by starting a program offering reduced price gas to people on a means-tested basis. The Pharma companies and Walmart did it with prescription drugs and it helped get the RAT media off their backs (at least temporarily). I am not saying they should be FORCED to do it, it would be a voluntary program that would get them some good will.
Bill O’Reilly is on the same wavelength as McCain. He keeps harping on the the “obscene” profits being made by the oil companies. He never mentions the need for expanded domestic drilling. BOR thinks we can become energy self-sufficient with wind, solar and ethanol. Not in my lifetime!
What is wrong with BOR?
National Review needs to find a real energy advisor and a real economist. Finite supply in 100 years is, guess what folks, finite supply. Instead of going forth in flagrant disregard of clear signs and deliberately inviting our grandchildren to desecrate our graves over our failure to heed clear signs, we ought to start actually doing something. Theories about peak oil don't mean you run out of oil; but merely that new discovery and develpment grows slowly enough that the price point at which supply intersect demand keeps increasing [which means that windfall profits increase, thereby justifying taxes on "excessive profits."]
We seem to be caught between the maelstrom of the leftwing orthodoxy - well good we can go back to a prehistoric civilization - and the right - problem? What problem? Profits are good. Oil companies are good. [never mind the balance of payments required to import it all]
What 100 years does mean, if we have 100 years is that we have some time, if we start now, to make alternative arrangements, i.e. a robust nuclear program because nothing else can cut it. Responsible conservatives would start addressing how we are going to meet energy demand, and stop this gawdawful pointing fingers at everyone whose solution might not accord with their troglodyte version of "free markets" which we have almost never had in energy supply anyway.
Look, we have the Bakken fields, the outer continental shelf and all the offshore drilling opportunities, ANWR, and so forth. Theres probably over a trillion barrels worth of reserves out there.
Pie in the sky, Larry. Are you back snorting coke again?
McCain knows nuttin about the economy. Nuttin.
If McCain could grow a brain on this issue, it could be a real winner for him. I really don’t understand why the Republican side are such idiots about getting with a winning message. It’s obvious to me and I’m not a political genius.
God McCain sucks. How can you know so little and become a Presidential nominee? Thank God that my vote does not count here in Maryland. So I can vote my conscience which will certianly not be for Barry Osama or Juan McCrazy.