Well, if you read the article and followed the links, you may get concerned. Paranoia is imagining the bad guys are doing evil things, and I'd place “concern” at, “I have read what the bad guys are planning”.
Obama has lots of words there about what war crimes may be, trigger points for investigations, and many things that made it clear he has given this some thought.
The whack left has long chanted about war crimes trials for Bush, Cheney, Rove and who knows who all else. Maybe Obama is just placating this branch of the Democrat party with this talk, but he certainly has a bunch of words around the topic.
What are your 2c for how to “stop Obama?”
Simple..the ones who are sitting this election out, writing in someone else's name, hoping to vote for hillary, hoping to teach the GOP a lesson, etc., etc., should get off their personal high horses, think what is best for the nation and vote McCain.