“If I had the time, I could regale you with stories of the deep corruption in the special education system alone. It is far, far worse than you can possibly imagine. I know you think it's bad, but you haven't the capacity to know how bad.”
No need. The numbers speak for themselves.
But it's not just in the special education system. It's the entire system. Even completely ignoring all the money spent on the special education stuff (which is nearly 20% of the school budget spent on less than 3% of the enrolled students - so that gives an idea of how bad it is), the school system is spending more than $20K per year per student, in total.
Obviously, the kids aren't getting anywhere near $20K worth of education per year. It's clear that something more than half of the money in the DC schools NOT spent on special ed kids is being stolen.
I don’t know if you are close enough to DC to get DC stations - but have you ever seen the commercials that say “Do you have a child in the DC public school system who is having academic trouble or even failing a grade? Call this number for free assistance.” That is where the whole scam starts.