I don’t think there’s going to be a video. If there is a video and the Republicans have it, I think they’ll hold on to it for the fall.
If there is a video and the Clintons have it, then we would already be watching it.
If there’s just a rumor, and no video, then we’re not going to see the video.
If there was a video then the Clintons would have it and we would have seen it.
Rumor is, the Obama camp has it as well and is planning to leak it after today’s election. That way, they believe they can manage the news cycle on it better, and inoculate Barry McGovern against attacks in the fall.
When will she use it?.
If she is not asked to be Obama's running mate?
OR after she is asked and accepts the VP slot?
I doubt there ever was such a video. If there was, it would have made it’s way to the media by now. Reports that republicans are holding it until after the democrat convention seem hard to believe. Republicans are not smart enough or disciplined enough to do that. And even if they were and did, John McCain would then have to spend at least half his campaign budget apologizing for even finding it!
If hillary is picked as VP, then you know she holds something big. Blackmail to the VP is a big step toward ambition fulfillment.