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To: tcrlaf

Given Obama’s background, why is he even running for President? Who is backing him, and why?

160 posted on 06/01/2008 12:34:40 PM PDT by popdonnelly (Does Obama know ANYONE who likes America, capitalism, or white people?)
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To: popdonnelly
Given Obama’s background, why is he even running for President? Who is backing him, and why?

That's exactly what I've been wondering. There was an article a while back about how some powerbrokers in Chicago decided to make themselves a Senator and picked Obama at his point. I imagine Soros is behind Obama - it's certainly someone with a lot of moxie who could figure out how to beat Hillary at her own game. That caucus strategy that took HRC by surprise wasn't thought up by Obama - all he seems to be able to do is give a speech.

203 posted on 06/01/2008 12:46:15 PM PDT by Aria (NO RAPIST ENABLER FOR PRESIDENT!!!)
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To: popdonnelly
correction - a Senator and picked Obama at his point.

a Senator and picked Obama. At this point I imagine Soros....etc.

215 posted on 06/01/2008 12:50:19 PM PDT by Aria (NO RAPIST ENABLER FOR PRESIDENT!!!)
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