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Nasrallah earns rebuke from Iraqi president - but praise from Iranian speaker
The Daily Star ^ | May 31, 2008 | Staff

Posted on 05/30/2008 3:39:15 PM PDT by forkinsocket

BEIRUT: Iraqi President Jalal Talabani called on Hizbullah's secretary general Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday not to interfere in Iraq's internal affairs. "Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah does not have the right to interfere in Iraq's internal affairs, as we have not interfered in Lebanon's affairs," Talabani said after a large-scale meeting with heads of Iraqi dailies and newspapers.

"Iraq is an independent country and is the cradle of civilization. All those preaching Jihad and patriotism have learned from us," he added.

"[The Shiite holy city of] Najaf has graduated militants and Shiite clerics, and it is not acceptable that students impose their opinions on their teachers," Talabani said, referring to the Hizbullah leader's speech on May 25 in which he tackled the issue of the resistance in Iraq.

Nasrallah said in a speech to mark Liberation Day on Monday that the resistance in Lebanon has served as an example to other resistance movements in the Arab world.

"There is a strategy for liberation and removing the occupation, and a strategy of defending the homeland and people in the face of aggression, threats and invasion ... This is our message today to Lebanon and the Arab and Islamic worlds; it's a joint message by the resistance in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq to the whole nation," he added.

Going into more detail, Nasrallah said that in "occupied Iraq, there are those who believe in resistance and others in politics ..." The Hizbullah leader urged them to take "a decisive position."

"The resistance has been dealing severe blows to the US occupation army," Nasrallah said, adding that Iraq was "called on to follow the strategy of the resistance."

In separate comments, Iran's new Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani praised Hizbullah's Nasrallah as "a strong fortress" against the US and Israel.

The Iranian speaker was also commenting on remarks made by Nasrallah during his speech on Monday.

"The great man [Nasrallah] has made no claim about assuming power in Lebanon after the recent breakthrough in that country which was a result of Hizbullah's resistance and initiative," Larijani said in his address to Parliament just minutes after his election on Wednesday.

He was referring to the agreement reached in Doha, Qatar earlier this month by the various Lebanese political parties to end the country's 18-month-old political deadlock.

Larijani referred to the Hizbullah leader as the "true son of the founder of the Islamic revolution, the late Imam [Ayatollah] Khomeini."

In his speech Monday, Nasrallah also reiterated Hizbullah's commitment to preserving Lebanese diversity.

"I renew my position today. We do not want to monopolize power in Lebanon and we don't want to rule the country or impose our thoughts on the people," Nasrallah stressed.

Hizbullah's secretary general also vowed his group would not use its weapons to achieve political gains.

"The resistance's arms are to fight the enemy, liberate lands and prisoners, and defend Lebanon and nothing else," Nasrallah pledged, referring to his group's enmity with Israel, which pulled out of South Lebanon in 2000.

Nasrallah, however, also warned against the state's arsenal being used to settle domestic accounts.

"All arms must remain in the service of the goal they were created for," Nasrallah said.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2000; 2008; hizbullah; iran; iraq; lebanon; nasrallah; talabani
1 posted on 05/30/2008 3:39:15 PM PDT by forkinsocket
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To: jveritas; FARS; Ernest_at_the_Beach; knighthawk; Marine_Uncle; SandRat; Steel Wolf; CAP; ...
All you really need to know to understand the Middle East today ping - forces of Islamist barbarism versus forces of self-government and civilization.
2 posted on 05/30/2008 3:43:08 PM PDT by elhombrelibre (99% of the world's dictators prefer Obama in 2008.)
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To: forkinsocket
the difference is today, unlike the 1980s, Iraq's government IS the elected government of the people, not a dictatorship subjugating its people let Hizbollah bring a well-armed and well-trained Iraqi military expedition down upon itself IN Lebanon the Iraqis won't be as nice about it as the Israelis
3 posted on 05/30/2008 4:14:26 PM PDT by Wuli
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To: forkinsocket; elhombrelibre
"The resistance has been dealing severe blows to the US occupation army," Nasrallah said..."
If this clown actually believes this shit he truly is delusional. Perhaps he took lessons from Baggy Dad Bob.
4 posted on 05/30/2008 9:10:21 PM PDT by Marine_Uncle (Duncan Hunter was our best choice...)
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To: forkinsocket; elhombrelibre; Marine_Uncle
"The resistance has been dealing severe blows to the US occupation army," (Bwahahahahahaha.....yeah, riiiiight....) Nasrallah said, adding that Iraq was "called on to follow the strategy of the resistance."

And Iraq pretty much responded with a "Rooh naeesh, Nasrallah, you ibn zmod." :-)

5 posted on 05/30/2008 11:23:37 PM PDT by Allegra (If you lived here, you'd be home by now.)
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To: Allegra; Marine_Uncle
He's a lunatic. Their delusional quality makes them a greater threat than they'd otherwise be because in an asymmetrical war where he and al Sadr will send naive people off to get killed without considering that there is no chance to win (unless they're fighting Liberals) they are able to punch above their weight. Having said that they are losing and will lose. Their delusions, like, say Hitler's near the end of WWII, cannot overcome the objective reality. The self-elected government of Iraq and the sentiments of its citizens have clearly tured against al Qaeda and the Shia gangsters.
6 posted on 05/31/2008 12:58:12 AM PDT by elhombrelibre (99% of the world's dictators prefer Obama in 2008.)
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To: forkinsocket
"[The Shiite holy city of] Najaf has graduated militants and Shiite clerics, and it is not acceptable that students impose their opinions on their teachers," Talabani said

Good Lord, the NEA is active in Iraq, too!

7 posted on 05/31/2008 1:25:39 AM PDT by Fresh Wind (Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.)
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To: Allegra

No speaken zi language...

8 posted on 05/31/2008 10:49:54 AM PDT by Marine_Uncle (Duncan Hunter was our best choice...)
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To: elhombrelibre

Yes a raving lunatic does fit the picture.

9 posted on 05/31/2008 10:50:51 AM PDT by Marine_Uncle (Duncan Hunter was our best choice...)
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To: Marine_Uncle
No speaken zi language...

Let's just say it's not very nice. ;-)

10 posted on 05/31/2008 12:35:11 PM PDT by Allegra (If you lived here, you'd be home by now.)
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To: Allegra


11 posted on 05/31/2008 1:06:28 PM PDT by Marine_Uncle (Duncan Hunter was our best choice...)
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