Maybe he doesn't have it, whatever it is.
Maybe he's just a little ass who need his butt whipped.
Maybe he's just a little ass who need his butt whipped.”
Could be, but if he does, butt whipping won't help at all. Best to finish the process, and see what the real deal is. Blind people can NOT see, deaf people can NOT hear, and no amount of whipping will change that. Same for folks with Asperger’s. There are things they don't do well, or at all, like understand instinctively how to socialize, and whipping them won't change that. My son has Asperger’s. With help, he's learned a lot, without it, he would have been another bum on welfare. Earlier it starts, the more use it is, too. For an example of how much help can do, check out a lady named Temple Grandin. She has full-fledged Autism, rather than the generally milder Asperger's Syndrome, but has managed to accomplish a lot.
What do you mean, "whatever it is?" You've never heard of it??
If the child was a behavior problem, he should have been removed from the classroom through the proper channels. Sadists like this woman have no place in a school. What she did was just plain cruel.
I vote HER out!