Has everyone forgotten perot?
I always thought I’d be a kid...and not have much worth adding...but, AS THE VOICE OF REASON: WE GOT CLINTONS BECAUSE OF PEROT...LET’S NOT DO WORSE BY THE SAME MISTAKE!!
I’m all for a new path; but this is not the time to take it. If we can build a new party or a new direction between this upcoming election and the next, I’ll happily join in. THIS, however, is NOT the time! We are already IN this election, and one of the main parties will win. Don’t BE the cause of having the Democrats win.
I won’t be the cause of having the democrats win, since I’d eat bucket of turds before I ever voted for a democrat. It is the GOP itself that has caused this conservative to write in a different Republican on my ballot.
I voted for Dole, reluctantly. I voted for GWB twice enthusiastically (granted, my enthusiasm has waned since he went back on his promise of no amnesty).
If the GOP wants a guy who wholeheartedly believes in Algores fiction and is the architect of amnesty for 20 million illegals and untold millions more via chain migration, then they must reap what they sew.
2012, we will be able to challenge both parties with a conservative. Now, I will vote for my state’s GOP gubernatorial candidate, conservative state and national congresscritters as avaialbel, and write in for President.
Because of Perot, we got the Republican Congress of 1994, which brought the GOP out of the wildnerness after more than forty years.
The GOP big boys were shocked that “Mr. No new taxes” lost 19% points of the vote to a third party candidate. They woke up and gave us the “Contract with America” Then GOP almost lost the whole shooting match in 1996 by running a lackluster candidate against a man who should now be in prison. Thanks, GOP!
That win in 1994 put the GOP on a trajectory to win in 2000 and 2004.
By the way, in both those years, the GOP would have lost without conservatives.
But, not to worry, we are not needed this year.
The folks who watch Ellen DeGeneres, they are going to vote in droves for McAmnesty. You wait and see.
Do you really think McCain will do better than the 1.2 million votes President Bush lost by in California in '04.
It'll be the same thing in '08, Obamarxist will take the 14 communist counties of California and pull some 6.5 million votes.