If you pass a law requiring “reasonable accomadation”, you better practice reasonable accomodation. And if you think something would be unreasonable, you better be able to make that case to a judge.
In this case, the government appears to have failed to show how it would be too hard or too unreasonable to make our money easier for blind people.
If they don’t like it, congress can change the law.
You are right: it is Congress’ fault for imposing a slew of Federal “equal opportunity” laws whose scope is potentially unlimited and certainly unfunded. The meaning of “discrimination” has been warped beyond all meaning for a long time now, and ironically so, as far too many people are now unable to discriminate between intelligence and stupidity.
Better get car manufacturers to stop discriminating against blind drivers too.
The man in Monty Python’s Life of Brian cannot bear a baby because he has no womb, that is certainly not through any oppression by the Romans on the Peoples Front Of Judia.