I don't know exactly what they say about Jesus Christ in Wright's church, but apparently whatever it is, it conforms to the Koran's opinion of "the prophet 'Esa, the son of Mary."
So I suspect taqqiya to be in operation there.
"We have many members in our [Wright's] church who are Muslims."
In that International Herald Tribune article from 04/07, Wright said that he told Obama that Trinity was an excellent place for apostate Muslims and former gang member. But you have to investigate BLT to understand why. BLT views Jesus as the spiritual son of God, a perfect role model, much the same as Muslims regard Christ. But the reason for the good fit for former gang members is a little different. That is because BLT doesn’t believe in personal sin for “oppressed people” (judicial restoration), they only sin that “oppressed people” are capable of committing is failing to rebel against oppressive white authority.
Also, Jeremiah Wright has a masters degree in divinity, with an area of concentration on Islamic religion, not Christianity. Obama claims that Wright has read Tillich and Niebuhr, both of whom were socialists, with a less than fundamentalist belief in the Bible. Niebuhr did an about face on socialism when he had to flee Europe and come to this country, though.