To: Aquamarine; BykrBayb; All; yangsuli; CassieChan; kirler; lzb86404; earthykid; dlzping; xiaojj; ...
Do you have a ping list to ping the Chinese FReepers to this thread? I fond this list at BykrBayb's post on the first thread, #1136 -- there's probably more to add:
yangsuli; CassieChan; kirler; lzb86404; earthykid; dlzping; xiaojj; nofog; astragalus; FreeSwim; amiu; Phoebe From China; chineuro; freedomvamos; Hawk Lee; ilysony; chinaboy; Hyyia; domainuser; adcycn; communion; Jacky_yan; Frank1984; won; beenway; fengcn; LIZHAO; jack jiang; TonyWang; zhanli; ycl003; Serious HU; syndz; HardCandy; Siglos; hyxing; FreedomChina; Jordiano; gemhalo; lxp; chinasunboy; Youandi; DavFeng; Shinyablue; Gareth VV; humen44; FreeTalker; dglcoolo7; mixultra; dwEA; Bamboo2008; gintama; slip_cn; Tony123; kinocen; luslee; I am from China; Tae.Wong; elsewhere_zzk; Nanaosei_lhn; greener; longbao881111; jortonchina; nutspea; LincFreedom; laberphany
I added All in here to ping them to this new thread.
71 posted on
05/14/2008 7:16:47 AM PDT by
(The more I learn about the Constitution, the more I realise this Government is UNconstitutional !!)
To: brityank
No ,i don't
76 posted on
05/14/2008 7:31:39 AM PDT by
To: brityank
Yes, that's the same list I used to ping them in here a few posts up.
89 posted on
05/14/2008 8:32:24 AM PDT by
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