Remember Terri Schiavo. Keep Lauren Richardson and Karen Weber in our prayers. Seems like the courts and death care system prefers to take away the rights of women more so than men. It gives new meaning to “suffragette”.
Governor Minner, please note: Please keep Lauren Richardson off death row.
"Mr. Weber is of the opinion that Karen does not want to live as a vegetable and that she would prefer the body to take its natural course," Mr. Cameron said.
"Mr. Weber did not contest the March injunction that kept his wife's feeding tube in place, Mr. Cameron noted. If the judge determines that Mrs. Weber has the capacity to make her own choices, Mr. Weber would abide by the decision.
"There is no intent at this point to fight what's going on," Mr. Cameron said.
Martha Tatro, Mrs. Weber's mother, objects to the removal of the feeding tube and has hired attorney Joseph Rodowicz to assist in her efforts to prevent it from happening. Both Mrs. Tatro and Mr. Rodowicz are adamant that Karen Weber is responsive and deserves a chance to live. Thus, a reason the judge has issued the injunction and appointed a committee to review Mrs. Weber's condition and make a determination and recommendation.
Mr. Weber may very well have the best of intentions and be under the belief that removal of a feeding tube is a quiet, natural and peaceful way to go. (Some in Florida preach such to be so.) However, one can hope that as he gathers further and more complete information, he will come to realize that the forced and agonizing death by dehydration and starvation should never be an option considered and therefore determine that it won't be.
The Horrendous Killing: Death by Dehydration & Starvation