I have (previously) carefully considered the issues you mention, but there are so many reasons why I simply cannot vote for him.
McCain almost became a Democrat in 2001, according to Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) and ex-Rep. Tom Downey. It’s been widely reported that this is true by many people of both parties.
As such, I don’t trust McCain on Supreme Court issues or the war in Iraq. If he thought about becoming a Democrat, he must have thought it was okay, policy-wise.
So I don’t see him as a conservative, as he’s seriously considered changing parties. His Supreme Court choices, especially for someone who will almost certainly not run for a second term, are not “in the bag” - there is no personal downside regardless of who he picks.
And I don’t see him as great on the war, given that he has made some major gaffes, showing a huge lack of understanding of the dynamics of the entire region.
For example, McCain has repeated that Iran is training Al Qaeda, which is simply not true. Knowing *why* that is not true is important, but McCain had to rely on Senator Lieberman to correct him (during a speech!) when he repeated it for the second time.
See: http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/18/mccain-misspeaks-on-iran-al-qaeda/
The whole thing is really depressing.