The only Hispanics who may vote GOP are those who have businesses here, because they have an investment. The Cubans in Florida are so GOP not just because the Fidel Castro issue, but because they are extremely entrepreneurial. Mexican-Americans are a mixed bag as are most Latin groups. Puerto Ricans, unfortunately have gone the way of identity politics, mostly because they have American citizenship and didn’t have to struggle to get it. I am not saying that Puerto Ricans don’t go into business, but not to the degree other Latino groups have.
Ah, proving my point. I’m Hispanic, don’t own a capitalist business (but I do work for one), and somehow I still vote conservative. Just because my hair and eyes are a little darker doesn’t mean I somehow stop being concerned about high taxes or Islamic terrorism or anti-gun buffoons - or the problems caused by illegal immigrants.
The Caucasian “Hispanics” who fled Castro bear no resemblance whatsoever [either genetically or culturally] to the Mestizo/Aboriginal “Hispanics” of Mexico [and Guatemala, etc] who are flooding our southern border by the tens of millions.