Updated: 11:26 AM- EL DORADO, Texas -- A 32-year-old Nevada man arrived at the courthouse here today to provide a DNA sample to Texas authorities determining paternity of children seized from the FLDS polygamous sect earlier this month.
    David J. Williams said he is a former member of the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints and has three sons currently held in state custody in San Angelo. The boys -- Parley, 9; Jacob, 7; and Teral, 5 -- were among the 437 children rounded up when Texas law officers raided the sect's YFZ Ranch.
    Williams, who left the FLDS three and a half years ago for reasons he would not discuss, called the raid -- triggered by claims of sexual abuse and under-age marriages on West Texas compound -- "an injustice" perpetrated by "unhonorable bastards."
    Asked why he had driven 1,200 miles from his Nevada home -- he would not provide a specific town -- Williams countered: "What honorable father and parent would not give his all to protect the innocence of their children and family."
    He insisted there is no abuse of children on the ranch. "These children are very much loved and cared for," Williams said, adding that he thought much of the reason for the raid was bias against the beliefs of the sect.
    He brought with him a photo album of his children and wife, but he was noncommittal when asked if he intended to see custody of his boys.
    "I call upon America to aid me in this effort for justice," Williams said.
    Texas authorities this week have launched an effort to conduct DNA screenings of children, mothers and fathers to determine family ties. Parents who do not provide DNA samples risk being held in contempt of court, authorities say.
    The samples will be processed by the Laboratory Corp. of America at a cost to the state of Texas of more than $50,000. It is estimated results will not be available for at least 30 says.
    -- Tribune reporter Brooke Adams contributed to this story