My question is why did the state allow it to be used in the custody hearing and then decide that they “believe” something else? If the courts decided it had enough face value to accept as evidence, then why is it now something else?
And sorry, baiting me with bishops can do no wrong isn’t going to work. Last time I looked, my denomination didn’t have I couldn’t give a hoot in heck about any bishops.
My problem is a general distrust of government saying what they need to say to get their way. It usually turns out false and does far more harm than good.
No it isn't. The government is responding belatedly to allegations by numerous people who claim they have been wronged, that children have been and are being hurt, and these people are crying out for justice.
Your position that the children should not be protected and the sexual abuse of children investigated is directed against each of these individuals as much as it is against the government.
You can not separate the two - either in reality or on this forum. You can henceforth expect to be called upon that each time you attempt to do so.