Very moving..Thank you.
By that I mean, either McCain has been biding his time for several decades in order to be president and has strategically placed himself as the only logical candidate compared to the other democrat nimrods. Taking over the mantle of a conservative champion..........Or he's changed since then and allowed the power and ego to corrupt him in order to be a f'ing RINO and screw us.
The only saving grace about McCain is that he's got two sons that are going to be or have been in harms way.
Of that there is no doubt. So he's got a vested interest in not screwing around with foreign policy.
However due to the military background I feel he's not averse to centralized control...... even when it comes to free markets, medical care, our borders, and tax policy.
So there we have it. All three of the current candidates thinks that all the greatness that is America comes from the government down to the people and not that the government is there only to insure rule of law and several well delineated rights including the right to bear arms and not the right to stick a metal tube inside a baby's head and suck out it's brains cause of an inconvenience.
Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.......