Exactly. No matter how this “alternative energy” is cut it won’t do a thing for the short term without drilling or refinery expansion. Even if congress signs into law expanded drilling off the coast, ANWR or any other restricted areas and expanded refineries or even new refineries we’re looking at a minimum of 3 years to get any product to market. Freezing the filling of the SPR now may put 70,000 barrels a day on the market but it won’t even make a dent in the needed supplies nor the rising prices.
Liberal maryland threw out a popular Republican governor because Democrat Baltimore Mayor OMalley promised to not let electric prices that are bought on open market increase(clearly impossible). To further his point the democats sent Repub governor a bunch of worthless bills that punished the electric company and put on illegal price controls so he would have to veto them making him the bad guy. Voters voted their emotions , outrage and put in democrat gov OMally, result??? he signed and pushed a bunch of green bills to raise electric prices even higher than market rates were (no illegal price control bills sent to him) AND the biggest tax increase in MD history.
American voters are heading down the same path, Maryland taxpayers are now killed by the price of everything, all so they could “send a message”, idiots.