Moyers is a self-proclaimed Dean Of Journalism, much in the same way Walter Cronkite was, and for far less reason. Sliding into a comfortable sinecure criticising America is a great way to generate positive press for being “courageous” but in that line of work it is anything but, it is cowardly, fawning, simpering self-righteousness turned into cash. There are few people in journalism for whom I have less respect, and that’s really saying something.
Hi Bill, me again, here’s another beautiful video focusing on pastor Wright.
Amen to that. Moyers is absolutely disgusting. Somewhere in his past, he developed a seething hatred for everything which we consider traditional American values, and for anything traditionally Christian. When he does favorable interviews of so-called Christian leaders, you can bet your bottom dollar those leaders will not hold traditional Christian values. They have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof.
I don't know how such proclamations pass the giggle test . Moyers has been a hack since he worked for LBJ .