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To: stockpirate
Stockpirate, you seem a bit disturbed at my simply asking you of your distinguished qualifications to pass judgment on a man who by, simply, his years in a North Vietnamese hell-hole of a prison-torture chamber is a national hero.

I have received back a lot of words but no answer.

You denigrate this man shabbily and rather rabidly. By inference it could be interpreted that you also denigrate a lot of other men who were POW's in that same hell-hole with him.

Their heroism, you see, went beyond mere "service." May you someday understand this.

No, I have not attained the rank of keyboard warrior - notably in the sense of not being inclined to (anonymously) assassinate good people.

And, yes, a President of the United States IS President of all 300 million citizens. If you don't understand this, I can't help you.

93 posted on 04/30/2008 2:03:06 PM PDT by mtntop3
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To: mtntop3

“You denigrate this man shabbily and rather rabidly. By inference it could be interpreted that you also denigrate a lot of other men who were POW’s in that same hell-hole with him.”

This statemnt that you are trying to attach to me has no basis in fact. I have never denigrated any person who has ever or is currently in uniform.

I see vets with a hat on and I thank them for their service. If I’m in line getting coffee and a person in uniform is behind me I pay for their coffee too and thank them for their service.

So your lame attempt to move the topic away from McCains policies to his war record won’t work.

If you want to dicuss the issues as to why I do not support McCain I thnk you aready know that.

But instaed what you are tryin gto do here is attack the mm ion a forum that has many current and ex-military on it.

And talkin gdown to me and others who are not going to support him by using the same tired jargon like, “Their heroism, you see, went beyond mere “service.” May you someday understand this.” is all to obvious for all here to see.

You assume for some reason that you have a right to have me answer questions that are off topic, but refuse at the same time to answer my question about do you work in any way for the McCain camp?

Go back and drink more of the McCain Kool-aid.

And please, if you can find ONE post here by me that states your claim that I am denigrating people in uniform past or present please post a thread all by itself and call me out on this issue.

And if you can’t then quit trying to smear me on this board.

94 posted on 04/30/2008 2:59:43 PM PDT by stockpirate (Be a MAVERICK in the GOP , go against the wishes of our nominee John McCain!)
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To: mtntop3

Let me know when you find something!

95 posted on 04/30/2008 4:48:38 PM PDT by stockpirate (Be a MAVERICK in the GOP , go against the wishes of our nominee John McCain!)
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