Just like we did with the Japanese. We should drop a couple of our biggest bombs on the middle east and bring them to there knees and knock some sense into them.
>>Just like we did with the Japanese. We should drop a couple of our biggest bombs on the middle east and bring them to there knees and knock some sense into them.<<
Don’t worry. We would.
That is one reason this scenario is not as likely as some think. Detonating a nuke in the US would be more suicidal for the perps and their country than most really understand. These Islamists are crazy, but not really all that stupid. I doubt we would have had a 911 if the parties involved had thought we would have nuked SA or Iran.
Or are you going to nuke the (un)holy cities of Mecca, Medina, and Qom, just to make a point? (And essentially declare war on Islam...)
We won't nuke anybody, even if we're nuked. The Bleeding Hearts won't allow it.