Have chewed on that a long time. Haven’t come up with anything dramatic or very effective.
Various efforts to stir up a lot of fasting and prayer—the most powerful actions I know of—have had very mixed results, AT BEST.
My only conclusion so far, has been, that we are setting ourselves up; we are being set up . . .
as a culture . . . as humans . . .
to DEMONSTRATE to all creation . . .
that even with a high degree of self-governance . . . greed, evil, arrogance, power-mongering etc. will take over and the sheeple will follow after those who tickle ears and promise the moon . . . to the sheeple’s own destruction. . .
apart from God, self-governance, freedom, . . . a lot of so called and a lot of truly lofty things . . . end up spiraling down into death, evil, destruction.
We COULD, probably, have demonstrated that following God brought maxximum freedom, abundance etc. as we have SOMEWHAT demonstrated over various periods of our National existence. . . . and as a portion of our population still demonstrates amidst the spiral into the pit of globalism.
But Nationally, we let the evil forces take tighter control. And we looked the other way—proportionally—increasing percentages of the population looked the other way.
I’ve studied and watched this since 1965. The handwriting was on the wall then—even before then. But folks paid no attention. The perceptive and well studied, well researched amongst us were laughed to scorn.
Even 5-7 years ago such well informed folks were laughed to scorn and sometimes even banned ON FR.
A big chunk of ‘naturally human’ does NOT WANT to know the truth about themselves and about National life.
‘Better’ to drink the Soma and sheeple along toward the camps.
It’s interesting . . . those of us paying attention to such things have known for a year or two—longer philosophically—but a year or two in terms of scheduled PLANS to create devastating famine conditions . . . that the globalists had such plans in place moving along at a good clip.
But we couldn’t say much without being scorned into silence.
Now, we have Costco and Sam’s rationing double cost rice and I’d bet that replies to this post hereon will still include some derisive dismissiveness.
has a thread contending that the globalists are going to have the plan in place & moving forward by the end of 2009 to starve 2 billion people on the planet to death.
I don’t emphatically know if that specific contention is accurate, or not.
I do know it fits well within their plans to reduce the global population to 200 million by various means.
Ted Turner has publically stated that he’d love to come back reincarnated as a very deadly virus.
I forget the son’s name cited on C2C the other night—I think of the Arkansas Rockefeller . . . stating quite plainly and boldly to the researcher that their plans ARE to chip implant every man, woman and child to keep track of and control them in this country.
. . . no doubt, in this North American Union as rapidly as Shrillery could help make it happen.
This has been hidden in plain sight for a decade or two and still folks will scoff even on FR.
Posters will be screamed at as being unpatriotic for telling the patriotic but awful truth about commie/globalist/socialist horrific advances in control in this country.
When some of the best and brightest, most conservative and Christian and most patriotic amongst us prefer to stick their heads in the sand and play ignorant . . . it gets more than a little sad, at times.
There were Germans . . . patriotic Germans . . . patriotic German Jews who also were incredulous during WWII . . . insisting that Germany and it’s leadership would NEVER do horrific things . . . they believed such . . . even as the gestapo came to take them to the camps.
And now we have 3 horrific globalists out of a field of 16 or so globalists up for the office of President of These United States.
The two DIMRAT globalists are sooooooo over-the-line commies/socialists/globalists as to be almost kartoon kharacter evil in neon lights all over the countryside and on every other city billboard.
And STILL ‘good Americans’ are fawning over them as ‘saviors.’
McChurian is not far behind in his angry pathological greedy evil power-mongering and the truly good and alert amongst us must contend themselves with voting for him vs allowing GREATER EVIL to operate as President.
And STILL good patriotic Freepers refuse to see the handwriting on the wall.
It boggles my mind.
God have mercy.
I do believe that God has more surprises up His bigger sleeves than even satan has any clue of. And that God’s Kids who are truly sold out to GOD ALONE will still do great exploits for HIS KINGDOM.
Nevertheless, the suffering on the not-far horizon will be incredible—Scripture says worse than ever has been or ever will be.
And still people think the looming famines will not be that bad or that pervasive or reach AMERIA’S! shores very significantly etc. etc. etc.
And they seem to still believe that the financial economic crashes being engineered will not be THAT devastating to THAT many PATRIOTIC AMERICANS. Naw. Not HERE. We are protected from such devastations because we’re AMERICANS.
And then the list of still wonderful Christian, American things about us are cited as our shields of protection.
And the black stinking spottiness in our robes of [self-]righteousness are dismissed or ignored.
So what if major portions of our society fall all over themselves trying to champion the glories of killing 30 million+ children FOR CONVENIENCE. WE don’t worship the god of convenience like those burning to Molach in the OT did. Not US!
So what if we ban God from the public square and civil discourse.
So what if we Nationally champion lewd brazenly unBiblical sexual habits and relationships.
So what if we glorify rebellion 6 ways to Sunday in rap, music, politics, . . .
So what if we intensify greed and evil power-mongering at the highest levels and call it “PROGRESSIVE” when it’s as regressive as Sodom and Gomorrah . . .
So what if we strong-arm GOD’S Israel in favor of those seeking her utter destruction . . .
So what if we aid and abet China with President Klintoons themselves giving China missle and nuclear secrets for personal gain toward our own destruction . . . with impunity and now one is running for the office AGAIN to glorification and cheers!!!! . . .
So what if rabidly deadly Islam is set-up to help destroy every other religion on the planet . . . taught in our schools along with witchcraft and homosexuality even at younger grades while Christianity is banned . . .
All is well. The Kool-Aid is plentiful. The Flag is still flying. Our leaders are saying idiotic, insane, destructive treasonous things TO APPLAUSE but all is well. WE’RE AMERICANS. Everything HAS to be well—it’s national policy!
Sorry, but I’ll break this off . . . before the compulsion to barf all over my keyboard gets too great.
Thank you so very much for sharing your insights, dear brother in Christ!
Thank you, Quix.
May God have mercy. Lord, please send revival!
My only conclusion so far, has been, that we are setting ourselves up; we are being set up . . . as a culture . . . as humans . . . to DEMONSTRATE to all creation . . .
Let's demonstrate our great Redeemer!