Reality check: These men are ALWAYS forced to leave their wives and children behind, and their wives and children are ALWAYS "reassigned" to other men immediately. And the men needn't waste their time suing for custody, since the women and children will all follow orders to lie in court about him and about their lives in the FLDS community. It's way past time for those fathers' parental rights to get some attention. And then there are all the young boys who get tossed out and warned (under threat of severe beatings and being tossed out again) not to come back -- every single father in the FLDS community is guilty of either directly doing this, or allowing it to be done to some of his sons and not intervening.
And it's a little hard to get worked up about the parental rights of parents who refuse to identify themselves or their children, and whose children are unable and/or unwilling to identify their own parents.