Texas Case: **TEXAS Case: 142 children gave birth!** 63 were raped!
Of course, that is not at the FLDS ranch. That was within the Texas Foster Care system in 2004.
"In 2004, noted Strayhorn, 38 foster children were killed; 48 were killed the following year. In addition, "about 100 children received treatment for poisoning from medications; 63 foster children received medical treatment for rape that occurred while in the foster care system; and 142 children gave birth while in the state foster care system."
hat tip:William N. Grigg http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2008/04/collectivist-child-abuse.html
That kind of thing doesn’t work for me, when we bust a cult that practices child rape as part of their sick, twisted, illegal, religious reason for existence, and someone says, Hey man! it is even worse to pull those kids out, we better just let the practice live on and avert our eyes.
Well, like I said that doesn’t carry much weight with me, I’m only surprised that sane people try to sell that kind of nonsense.
Of course, that is not at the FLDS ranch. That was within the Texas Foster Care system in 2004.
“In 2004, noted Strayhorn, 38 foster children were killed; 48 were killed the following year. In addition, “about 100 children received treatment for poisoning from medications; 63 foster children received medical treatment for rape that occurred while in the foster care system; and 142 children gave birth while in the state foster care system.”
hat tip:William N. Grigg http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2008/04/collectivist-child-abuse.html
Right now, those kids are in bad shape.
If they go back, more of the same.
If they go forward, it is into a system that has already shown that it does not work.
Anybody have a better idea?
A workable one.