So far as I know, there is no group similar to the “Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth” gearing up to take on Obama and his ties to terrorists.
What I meant was gathering info on Obama as a “truth campaign” and organizing it so it can be effective. The “swiftboat” info actually made FoxNews bigtime in 2004, and a “truth” campaign that really gets to bottom of Obama’s change and hope plans might do the job to expose him, if we can get some News people to read the blog. I think more research into him is needed. In getting it out there, and maybe an Obama Truth Blog or website that we get linked up to right places giving noone credit just info... I Know Beckwith has a lot of info, and expatguy does a great job on his Southeast Asia blog.
It would need someone to keep it updated, and a central place to send info to be posted on the blog. If it gets known well, it will be attacked by left, so that is reason for some anonimity.
Maybe some radio airtime, from donations, to do what swiftboat did on TV, once US gearup for general elections (assuming Obama is nominee) and at critical time so it isn’t forgotten at voting time. Everyone on FR (almost) is conservative so we are preaching to the choir here. This needs to known by the moderate dems and independents who are more likely to vote for Clintoon.