Too bad America has lost over 50% of the rail lines we once had. With fuel prices skyrocketing trucking is becoming too expensive for the long haul.
I see a lot of coal and fertilizer, and grain and ethanol moving by rail. Sounds like a good investment.
The missing 50% either did not earn their keep or lost money for the railroads when the railroads were forced by Government fiat to keep them.
After deregulation,those lines that were marginalable to be sold to Short Lines that are able to operate them for less, thus the Short Lines are able to make money.
What lines are left, and being operated by the Class Is are being improved.
BNSF is double-tracking the last remaining segment of their Southern Route thru New Mexico. When completed, it will more than double the capacity of the line.
Union Pacific has been adding more tracks to it route thru Nebraska and Kansas, increasing it's capacity.
Without the government regulation of route and rates, the railroads are able to price their services as the business allows, rather than go thru a government hearing that took sometimes years.
All four major roads, BNSF, UP CSX and NS are upgrading their facilities to handle an ever increasing traffic load.