I think you need to find someone other than the discredited Alibek who says there is “no principle to coating spores”. A peer reviewed article would be best.
Just write the reference down here:______________________
The spectrum and caption released by AFIP:
Silicon Dioxide (Silica), as it appears through energy dispersive X-ray analysis
http://pubs.acs.org/cen/government/84/8449gov1.html Sometimes scientists misspoke as well, as was the case with the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. AFIP studied the anthrax powder from the Daschle letter using energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, and a top AFIP scientist, Florabell G. Mullick, reported the presence of silica in an AFIP newsletter.
Yet, the spectrum AFIP released shows a peak for the element silicon, not silicon dioxide (silica). Harvard University molecular biologist Matthew S. Meselson, who has consulted for the FBI on the anthrax probe, dismisses these early statements as misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the scientific studies conducted on the Daschle powder.
SEM image of WEAPONIZED silica coated spore produced by Dugway.
Lake: Right. Is it true to say that spores are not actually COATED with silica, they are MIXED with silica?
Alibek: (laughing) Yeah, because there is no principle for coating. This is one mistake, hopefully, which just comes from the media.