Encroachment must be stopped. It is difficult to fight a two front war.
Enlightening the public to the expansions of “Big Government” and tyrannical socialism could put a halt to ALL of the encroachment on all fronts. But it won't come easy.
McCain is a liberal Republican. But unlike Obama and Clinton, he is not a Marxist. Perhaps now our nation can discuss Communism, Marxism, and Socialism without be branded “witchhunters”.
Start with the children!
Get kids out of the government schools. See post #12 on how to do this. Then in 12 short years were could have armies of conservative youth entering the colleges and universities prepared to stare Marxism down. These kids would then move into business, politics, and the media with a sound understanding of the true sources of economic and personal freedom.
Hey! This is what the Marxists did! Conservatives should reverse the process by getting kids OUT of the government schools and into conservative schools.
As it is now, conservatives have to re-educate a liberal population that has been thoroughly indoctrinated in government K-12 schools and colleges and universities. This sounds to me like twice the work. Once to undo all the liberal indoctrination, and then second reeducate them in conservatism.
Personally, I believe that if parents had the choice they would get their kids OUT of the government schools. Conservatives should give them the opportunity. ( See post #12 for how to do that. )