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To: Mount Athos

I’d start boycotting them, but I don’t drink that crap anyway. Absolut is nothing more than glorified Popov with better marketing for the college kids with money. The rest of us drank el cheapo Popov instead. Vodka is usually mixed anyway.

I’ve since gotten older and switched to good beer and good whiskey. I ditched Busch for Guinness and Sam Adams and Canadian Mist for Tullamore Dew and Johnny Walker. As I don’t drink much anymore, I’d rather drink quality over quantity.

34 posted on 04/03/2008 8:36:20 AM PDT by Darren McCarty (Let's go Red Wings (no I'm not that McCarty))
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To: Darren McCarty
Vodka is usually mixed anyway.

I was a liter a day kinda guy for over twenty five years and vodka was my favorite tipple. Just how much can you do with alcohol mixed with water? If the alcohol is made from potatos (starch) or grain they are all pretty much alike. About ten fifteen year ago some bright Wisconsin lad thought of fermenting whey, which contains a lot of milk sugar (lactose). Since whey is a byproduct of making cheese we had plenty and more to spare. It was usually used to slop hogs as the cheese factories gave it away free for the hauling.

He got alcohol alright, and it even passed the taste test so several "el-cheepo" brands were launched. About thirty seconds after the first swallow hit bottom the fumes rising in your throat suggested a bouquet not unlike a freshly opened septic tank. Within a couple of months the hogs were again getting free whey.

I successfully retired as a professional drunk about four and a half years ago so this is a short trip down memory lane for me.


174 posted on 04/03/2008 11:05:08 AM PDT by Gandalf_The_Gray (I live in my own little world, I like it 'cuz they know me here.)
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