“..of the bible belt. You cant swing a cat without hitting a church.”
Betcha these are the same churches as Obama’s pastor’s faith.
satan will work through what appears to be good.
There you go.
It’s typical, a very small, south Georgia town, with a relatively equal mix of black and white (I remember, now, ??) Prayer never was taken out of anything. Tent revivals still take place. Chick tracts will be handed to you in the grocery store. It’s the old South religion we’re talkin’ about.
Granted, there are the swampers and the stils, but it’s still very much a cut out of the past. With the usual assortment of Baptists (Primative, Missionary, Southern) COC, Presbyterian, Holiness, Foot-washin’ Holiness, COG, COTN, you name it, there are lots of tiny tiny churches. Oh, and the usual BIG church in the middle of town :)