Thread by wagglebee.
Do you remember that "Modest Proposal" of Swift's? In the infamous satirical essay of that name Swift, the author best known for "Gulliver's Travels", suggested to the Irish public a simple solution to poverty - the culling of babies from poor families, and their subsequent stewing. Not only, he observed, would there be fewer mouths to feed, but the babies would help feed the poor that remained by being converted into a sumptuous and economical stew. A win-win situation. True, the idea of baby stew has always struck Swift's readers as a tad grotesque, and therefore his proposal has never been implemented on a wide scale....
If Only Babies Were Pigeons: A Swiftian Vision
Thread by wagglebee.
I'm not naïve. I know there are 12-year-olds in the world having sex. But it's not normal behavior. A 6th-grader seeking sex lives in a dysfunctional home. More likely she is being raped by an adult perpetrator. That's not what I say. That's what Planned Parenthood and Guttmacher Institute say:
The younger the mother, the greater the partner age gap. Fathers are on average 9.8 years older than mothers 11 to 12 years of age.
I have never known or heard of a father, diligent or absentee, liberal or conservative, who pondered aloud that his 9-year-old daughter in three short years might have unprotected consensual sex, so we must make contraceptives and abortion available to her.
Such a father would be creepy, close to a pedophilia promoter.
Such a father would be Barack Obama, who indicated such at Sunday's Compassion Forum....
Jill Stanek: Obama and the sex life of 12 year olds