I read recently somewhere that statins caused calcifications in the vessels that were maybe worse for you than cholesterol.
I cannot make myself take the statins I have been prescribed. Doing the fish oil and flax oil thing.
Zetia evidentially made me violently sick at night, about three hrs after taking.
The others seem to cause leg cramps. At least that it what I think is causing them, plus some weird leg pains.
I just quit taking Zocor. I have had good results with flaxoil in lowering my triglycerides. Can’t tolerate fish oil.
I can’t tell you what to do, but please try all the alternative methods before taking Statins. I truly believe that those things are deadly. My colesterol has been pushing 400 for years and I have no problems. Dr. says it’s genetic. I refuse to take Statins. I’ve known too many people taking Statins who have worse problems that never seem to go away until they eventually die. All of my forbears lived into their 90s. If my colesteral is genetic, I should worry? I’ll take my chances with the honey/vinegar, niacin, high fiber diet, etc.
I heartily recommend taking a lot of Omega-3 fish oil, both because it raises your “good” cholesterol, which acts to balance your “bad” cholesterol, and it also has mild anti-inflammatory properties.
Omega-6 oil, which we get too much of in our diets, compared to Omega-3, has a mild inflammatory effect. So if you take fish oil supplements, get just the ‘3’ and not the ‘6’. (There is also Omega-9, which you can get in olive oil.)