's obvious. Your buddy made something up, which I requoted to you in its entirety, and which, despite that fact, you now claim I don't recall the subject matter. FOFLMAO. The very subject matter was the statement I posted to you. And you don't understand why I say that you and your buddies are liars...and defend each other for each other's lies and chronic misrepresentations of others' posts.
I know exactly where I got the information contained about the illegality and bribery...which information did not state "impeach Bush" which I posted in FR...nevertheless, you'd rather comment on what I DIDN'T post...than on something I did post....just like your buddies.
Then Ill ask you again now: what did I lie about?
I didn't ask you if you knew where you found it. I asked you where you found it. See the difference? I'm afraid not, but I remain an idealist.
It's like being up at bat and the pitcher throws the ball behind my back on every pitch but the umpire keeps calling them strikes. What're ya gonna do?
Let the spectators decide.