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I suppose naming him the anti-Christ would be giving him too much credit.
Obviously, this is an outdated article. By now, “Osama” Obama has already shown his true colors vis-a-vis Israel, and it doesn’t look very pretty. I suppose that former Amb. Ayalon had a good intuitive feel for whom Obama really was.
Cue Pete Townshend....cuz “I really want to know”.
I look at Obama and ask myself “If he was an angry yet somewhat intelligent, somewhat disciplined, somewhat driven, self-seeking red diaper baby who hated whitey and hated America and wanted to grease the skids for American decline in favor of socialistic world government and massive wealth transfer out of the hands of successful white people, while feathering his own nest and setting his own progeny up for life, how would he be doing anything different than what I see he is doing and has done all along?”
The answer is, he’d not be doing anything different.
The simplest explanation for Obama is that he hates America, hates whitey, loves himself, and loves socialism.