“If his “aw shucks” demeanor is an act, he missed his calling. Since he’s probably not acting, it’s further evidence that we should require IQ tests anyone who wants to run for Congress and there are many, many other examples..”
He was an astronaut so I don’t think its real. He’s a very intelligent socialist who has led a privileged life.
Going to college, getting a degree and becoming an astronaut doesn't make you smart any more than going into a barn makes you a horse. There are A LOT of folks with very high achievements in academia who can't tie their own shoes, figuratively speaking. I've met and worked with a lot of folks who fit that description.....brilliantly book smart, but dumb as a rock when it comes to what used to be called "common sense".....
Nelson was NOT an Astronaut. He was a Payload Specialist on the Shuttle. PS’s used to get about six weeks’ training for a flight. Saying Nelson is an Astronaut because he rode on the Shuttle is like me saying I’m a flight crew member because I ride on an airliner. Sen. Jake Garn and Saudi Prince Sultan also got freebie rides as PS’s. Some PS’s (scientists, engineers) ran experiments on the Shuttle. The political PS’s like Nelson, Garn, and Sultan basically were told, “Don’t touch anything!”
Nelson is a vain fool. You should have seen the vids of him preening his hair while he was in the White Room (just before you get into the shuttle), using what he thought was a mirror but what was really a camera lens! I worked at KSC when he got his ride.